Saturday, December 15, 2012

Passionate about Me

Ever since I can remember I have only wanted to do two things: play sports and travel.  As my High School graduation drew nearer and I did not have a college to play sports for I decided I would work for six months and then travel for as long as I could.  I figured as I traveled I would learn a foreign language, (Spanish perhaps?) and then go take everything day by day.  I relayed this plan to my parents and I they passed me a look of "are you out of your mind".  See I did all the customary bull crap one has to do senior year of high school, I applied to Colleges, filled out scholarship letters, and made sure I graduated (with honors, so I'm not a slacker).  But, I just did not want to go to college at least not at that moment, I wanted to travel the world (or at least to Spain).  That was my plan and I was going forth with it.

Well when you are eighteen without money or a job I had to learn to bend to what my parents thought was best.  In other words I could go attend one of the schools I was accepted into or join the Military.  Well I definitely was not about to go to the Military so I started making plans to attend college.  While making these plans I received an offer to play basketball for a Division I school and that made the decision to attend college much easier to swallow.  Like I said at the time I had two passions sports and traveling, so I was happy.

As I went through college I had to decide what I wanted to do with the rest of my life and I went through numerous fields; public relations, architecture, physical therapy, nursing, teaching, law, etc.  However, none of them really struck my interest till I went home one summer and worked at a rehabilitation center with my mom and sister.  I had fun working there and thought it must mean I should be a physical therapist.  I know now it was because I was working with family and that is what I enjoyed.  Through my various dabbling here in there interning, volunteering, working, shadowing I knew that whatever I did I needed to be my own boss.  There my entrepreneurial spirit was born.

Now I had three passions, working for myself, traveling and sports.  I still want to travel the world but responsibility and funds elude me so I settle for small week trips here and there.  I workout and am looking to join an adult league, in any sport I'm not picky.  Now I need to fulfill my entrepreneurial desire but I am not sure how to go about doing that.  I want to enjoy my business and it not feel like a job but still treat it like one so that it will be profitable.  It also needs to be flexible so that I may travel and see the 7 Wonders of the World.  Now end lies my quest to find my passion(s).

To be continued. . .

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