Thursday, November 22, 2012

Bringing Home Baby

Mojito is my name!
Meet the new addition to our family. . .

We are not sure what to call her yet (no, I am not sure if it is a "she" or a "he" I want her to be a "she" so it's a GIRL!).  I have been calling her Mojito and Mojo but the hubby has been calling her HB.  I will admit HB is easier to say.  Although, she responds to anything.  I talk to her through the cage and she comes towards me and stares. . .
Yo! Mojo here!
She used to sing or what I like to call singing but it's up for debate.  It kind of sounds like yodeling.  She has since stopped.  I believe she was calling for her siblings.  At the pet store there were three quaker parrots and she was the lucky one.  Now, she makes all kinds of noises and I'm not sure what to make of it.  I think I was tricked because every time I went to the pet store she never said a word.  I assumed she would be a nice quiet parrot not the ear splitting siren she turned out to be.  For her credit she yells for attention like when I leave the room.  She also makes other funny noises that is hard to explain and those I find entertaining.  Now, if I can only figure out how to train her to stop yelling and only make the other noises.  One of the sounds she makes sounds like laughing which of course makes me giggle.

**As a side note, I went to the library to get a quaker parrot training book and they closed early! Something about Thanksgiving? The nerve! If you know anyone who works at the library please tell them to put their modified hours online! I searched the entire site to see if they would close early & to plan accordingly.  The notice was on the closed door informing me they closed 4 hours early! Humph!**

She is very responsive and stubborn.  But once she knows sunflower seeds are to be had she does whatever I want her to do.  She is also very cage protective.  Hopefully, as time goes on and she gets used to us she will not attack anything new that comes into her territory.  But once you get her out and away from her cage she is very obedient and nosy.  She will stick her head out and swivel it around to see whats in her
She only went on the perch
when I bribed her with
sunflower seeds and spree.
surroundings.  Unfortunately, she is not that nosy inside her cage.  The only thing she does is site on her swing or eat.  There are plenty of toys in her cage but she doesn't play with any of them.  I even put some newspaper and a toilet roll in there hoping she would make a nest but she only pooped on it.

When I go into her cage to force her out.  I need to wear a glove to protect  my hand.  She does not like the glove and she will growl and bite the heck out of my hand if I come near her with a glove on.  I'm not sure why? I can only assume a bad experience at the pet store with gloved hands.  I have since stopped using the glove and talk to her before I open the cage and she comes right to me.

She is definitely a funny, entertaining parrot with loads of personality.  Oh and she farts! I thought I had a rotten egg or spoiled meat lying around and was going crazy till I realized Mojo was farting on me.  Let me tell you it stanked! She also will let me know when she is ready for bed.  If she is outside her cage and it's night night time she will run away from me.  If she is ready for bed she will go inside her cage, get on her swing, and yell till I cover her up for the night.  Oh, the nerve!

So far I am loving my new parrot! She definitely keeps me entertained!

Monk Parakeet,

What are your quaker parrot stories? What do you do or have done to tame your parrot? Any advice or suggestions is appreciated.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Coconut Oil Uses

Let me start by saying I am a coconut oilaholic.  I use it on everything.  However, some forums boost 101 uses, 160 uses 333 uses of coconut oil and the list just goes on and on.  This blog is dedicated to the simple ways I use coconut oil that has worked for me.
This is the brand I am currently using.

I first started using coconut oil as part of my weight-loss regimen 2 years ago.  I went into the vitamin shop and asked about coconut oil and the girl there told me she uses it on her skin and hair.  My first thought was why would you want to put oil on your hair and skin it will make it, oily.  Especially since she had straight, fine, blond hair but her hair did not look greasy and heavy.  Instead it looked shiny, smooth and healthy and her skin was flawless.  But, I still was not convinced.  I was there to buy coconut oil to use in my cooking to help increase my metabolism and energy to lose weight.
            -use instead of butter on toast
            -cooking oil (it burns quickly)

Eventuality, I did start to experiment with it on my skin.  It worked great! I would put it all over my body at night and my skin would be soooo soft and moisturized.  It did not clog my pores and make my skin greasy. I have an oily T-zone and am sensitive to new products as it will make my skin break out.  I had no issues with using coconut oil on my face.  As an added benefit it also has anti-aging and anti-wrinkle properties.
               -Eye cream
               -Pre-shave & After-shave
               -Massage oil

I recently started using it as a makeup remover and it works great (see Eye Makeup).

Once I decided to go natural I started researching transitioning, big chop, hair regimens, etc.  What I found that was a staple in most naturalista's hair care was coconut oil! Well I already had coconut oil in my pantry so it was easy to start using it on my hair.  An issue for me was dry, brittle hair and when I started adding coconut oil it helped my hair become soft, moisturized and manageable.  What worked best for me:
           -Pre-poo conditioner
           -Moister sealer
           -Daily spritzer
           -Homemade hair products
Table Spoon of Coconut

What are your uses for coconut oil? Do you love it or hate it?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November 2012 Part 3

To do list:
       Shop for Thanksgiving Dinner
       Clean up
       Pick up sister (who just told me she flies in at midnight, so long to cocktails in O-town)
       Catch up on classes
       Black Friday

This week is a week for giving thanks.  It is Thanksgiving for gosh sakes.  I am thankful for a place to go for Thanksgiving and spending time with family and friends.  The food and drinks are a godsend.  I'm blessed because some people have no place to go and have a nice Thanksgiving meal.  I am thankful for my health, mentally and physically.

One long-term goal I have is to find an organization to give my time.  I have actually been volunteering off and on with various organizations but I really want to find one I feel connected to.  Any ideas? Where do you guys volunteer? Do you volunteer? Why or Why not?


What are you guys thankful for and what on your turkeyday to do list? Any Black Friday tips?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Novemeber 2012 Part 2

Ok, I am a little late on this post but this has been a crazy week.  I only have one goal for this week: Decide on a hair regimen and stick to it for the rest of the year.
I have been natural for a few months now and actually did my "big chop" on   Sunday, February 5, 2012.  I didn't do a bunch of research on it, I was just tired of getting bad perms and I may have been going through an early life crisis.  I was seriously stressed out! 
Love these scissors!

Since, I didn't really research anything I wasn't prepared and haven't gotten into a routine to find out what works well for my hair.  I just bought products thats worked for other people and crossed my fingers.  Since I'm all about the goals these days, I also have a hair goal: Retain as much of my growth so that it will reach my shoulders by November 2013.  I also want this without me stretching it, I want it to hang naturally.  Since my hair shrinks 75% this is a big deal.  If my hair grows the average 1/2 inch a month I should be able to have some serious hang time and my hubby can quit bitching about my short hair.  Keep your fingers crossed that I am part of the above average club and my hair grows crazy fast. . .a girl can hope.

I would take either one of Solange's hair styles.  Although, I can get it tomorrow if I use weave like she did or is this a wig? I will post my regime soon but I plan on keeping it simple and really figuring out what works on my hair.

Wishing to be part of the long hair club,

Any suggestions ladies on what worked for you? What are your hair regimens? Post comments.

Eye Makeup

This is not me, but I have been trying to copy it on my eyes.
The best part of wearing eye makeup is the fierceness it gives my eyes.  I prefer tricolor on my eyes in yellow, green, and blue.  It really makes my eyes pop and I always get complements on my makeup.  The worst part is removing it, uuhhh! It is a nightmare for me.  Then I read a post by CurlyNikki and she suggested removing eye makeup with coconut oil.  
I have used this brand.

Why I didn't know that already is beyond me because I love all things coconut and use it just about everywhere (more on that later) and on everything. Well, I have been a faithful user of Vaseline to remove my eye makeup ever since I ran out of makeup remover months ago.  It has worked fairly well for me but I was in Target and decided to buy another makeup remover hoping to make my removal process easier.  I ended up buying Almay liquid eye makeup remover and was sorely disappointed.
Buyer Beware!

I continued to use it hoping it would work.  Well it didn't and their claim to be #1 Brand in America eye makeup remover was not true for me.  I decided to use coconut oil and it worked like a charm! My makeup slid off without cotton balls.  As soon as I rubbed it into my skin it came off in my hand.  I was hooked.  So if you are looking for eye makeup remover and can't decide what to buy, use Vaseline or coconut oil.  Go for the coconut, you will not be disappointed.  Its also great for your skin, added bonus.

What works for you ladies? Do you have a tried and true eye makeup remover? Share your comments.

Live, Laugh, Love,

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Old Las Vegas

Recently, I went to Las Vegas with the "fun sister" and we had a blast.  I have been to Vegas before but not "Old Las Vegas" and we ventured out there and it was fantastical! If you have ever seen any Las Vegas movie it was probably shot from Old Las Vegas and not New Vegas.  A few interesting points to know: Old Vegas is covered and its where all the costumed and interesting folk hang out.  Here are a few pictures of our trip.

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas,

Have you guys ever been to Old and/or New Vegas? Feel free to comment.


Recently we lost our pet Indian Ringneck, Taco.  She was an interesting addition to our family.  I was never a  pet person let alone a bird-girl.  But, when I saw this beautiful bird, I just had to have her.  She came into our family a year ago at 9 months with a big personality.  Slowly, she learned to step up, step down, eat out our hands, and she would even fly to your hands if she knew there were sunflower seeds to be had.  However, when she moved from the living room to the patio due to her excessive moulting and hubby's allergies, she became wild! One thing about ringnecks is they need constant daily attention or they will forget who you are.  We had to retrain her several times but she always retained her wild side.  I would look out onto the patio and she would be flying back and forth screeching (or bird calling but it was just screeches).  My husband said she wanted to be free like the other birds flying around outside.  I refused to believe it till I saw her intently watching the other birds from her cage as they returned for the night.  I decided then that I would take her outside for some fresh air, maybe let her fly back and forth between my husband and I.

****Ok, this is where I need to caution other bird owners that want to practice flying their birds outside.  DON"T DO IT! All those cautionary tales and ominous warnings from vets and bird owners should be listened too.  I didn't listen and Taco died.****

The next evening I ventured outside with Taco.  When we first went outside Taco clutched to my finger for dear life.  Slowly she started to warm up to being outside and started to poke her beak out like she was going to take flight.  I decided to take her back inside and as I was turning to go into the house she flew off my finger.

Taco never looked so free and beautiful as she did that day flying high in the sky with the other birds.  I started to get scared and hoped she would turn around and fly back into the house but it never happened.  She flew into the trees and came back out one last time.  I remember my husband saying, "Damn, she look good flying!" And she did with her bright blue turquoise feathers she was breathtaking.  Unfortunately, she also stood out and caught the attention of a hawk.  As she flew out the trees for the last time she was being chased by a hawk.

I could hear her screams over my beating heart as I prayed she would make it out alive or at least fly home to safety.  As I looked into the trees I could hear her screaming and the other birds start screaming out in alarm also.  I stood outside rooted hoping for a miracle and then, her screams stopped.  I could not see or hear Taco but I could not give up hope.  I needed proof that she was dead.  I stood outside for what seemed like eternity.  My husband suggested we walk around the lake to get a better view of the trees Taco flew into.  We reached the other side and stood there looking into the trees and hoping against all odds that Taco was hiding in some nook or cranny where the hawk could not reach her.  Instead we looked up and saw the hawk flying away with a turquoise parrot in its clutches.  It is a picture forever ingrained in my mind.

Peace & Love,

Have you guys ever lost a pet? Do you take your pet bird outside? Share your thoughts and comments.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Fire up Monday

Since I have started working on goal setting, (realistic goal setting) I wanted to start the week with a list of smaller goals to accomplish.  Hopefully, I will be able to accomplish my larger goals and they will stop rolling over year after year.  I recently visited another blogger's site (ok, dani) and every Monday she writes her weekly goals and what she is grateful for.  Here are my weekly goals:

Monday, November 5, 2012
           Clean house
           Workout 6 days
           Start running again
           Catch up on classes
           Write blog
           Track food
           Train Mojito (my quaker parrot)
           Spend time with my hubby
           Organize closet
           Read bible
           Go to bed and get up early

I am grateful for many things:
          New business venture
          Reality TV (I am a junkie, don't judge me)
          Free Time

Get to it,

What are your goals for the week? What are you grateful for? Share your goals and/or comments.