Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Recently we lost our pet Indian Ringneck, Taco.  She was an interesting addition to our family.  I was never a  pet person let alone a bird-girl.  But, when I saw this beautiful bird, I just had to have her.  She came into our family a year ago at 9 months with a big personality.  Slowly, she learned to step up, step down, eat out our hands, and she would even fly to your hands if she knew there were sunflower seeds to be had.  However, when she moved from the living room to the patio due to her excessive moulting and hubby's allergies, she became wild! One thing about ringnecks is they need constant daily attention or they will forget who you are.  We had to retrain her several times but she always retained her wild side.  I would look out onto the patio and she would be flying back and forth screeching (or bird calling but it was just screeches).  My husband said she wanted to be free like the other birds flying around outside.  I refused to believe it till I saw her intently watching the other birds from her cage as they returned for the night.  I decided then that I would take her outside for some fresh air, maybe let her fly back and forth between my husband and I.

****Ok, this is where I need to caution other bird owners that want to practice flying their birds outside.  DON"T DO IT! All those cautionary tales and ominous warnings from vets and bird owners should be listened too.  I didn't listen and Taco died.****

The next evening I ventured outside with Taco.  When we first went outside Taco clutched to my finger for dear life.  Slowly she started to warm up to being outside and started to poke her beak out like she was going to take flight.  I decided to take her back inside and as I was turning to go into the house she flew off my finger.

Taco never looked so free and beautiful as she did that day flying high in the sky with the other birds.  I started to get scared and hoped she would turn around and fly back into the house but it never happened.  She flew into the trees and came back out one last time.  I remember my husband saying, "Damn, she look good flying!" And she did with her bright blue turquoise feathers she was breathtaking.  Unfortunately, she also stood out and caught the attention of a hawk.  As she flew out the trees for the last time she was being chased by a hawk.

I could hear her screams over my beating heart as I prayed she would make it out alive or at least fly home to safety.  As I looked into the trees I could hear her screaming and the other birds start screaming out in alarm also.  I stood outside rooted hoping for a miracle and then, her screams stopped.  I could not see or hear Taco but I could not give up hope.  I needed proof that she was dead.  I stood outside for what seemed like eternity.  My husband suggested we walk around the lake to get a better view of the trees Taco flew into.  We reached the other side and stood there looking into the trees and hoping against all odds that Taco was hiding in some nook or cranny where the hawk could not reach her.  Instead we looked up and saw the hawk flying away with a turquoise parrot in its clutches.  It is a picture forever ingrained in my mind.

Peace & Love,

Have you guys ever lost a pet? Do you take your pet bird outside? Share your thoughts and comments.

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