Mojito is my name! |
Meet the new addition to our family. . .
We are not sure what to call her yet (no, I am not sure if it is a "she" or a "he" I want her to be a "she" so it's a GIRL!). I have been calling her Mojito and Mojo but the hubby has been calling her HB. I will admit HB is easier to say. Although, she responds to anything. I talk to her through the cage and she comes towards me and stares. . .
Yo! Mojo here! |
She used to sing or what I like to call singing but it's up for debate. It kind of sounds like yodeling. She has since stopped. I believe she was calling for her siblings. At the pet store there were three quaker parrots and she was the lucky one. Now, she makes all kinds of noises and I'm not sure what to make of it. I think I was tricked because every time I went to the pet store she never said a word. I assumed she would be a nice quiet parrot not the ear splitting siren she turned out to be. For her credit she yells for attention like when I leave the room. She also makes other funny noises that is hard to explain and those I find entertaining. Now, if I can only figure out how to train her to stop yelling and only make the other noises. One of the sounds she makes sounds like laughing which of course makes me giggle.
**As a side note, I went to the library to get a quaker parrot training book and they closed early! Something about Thanksgiving? The nerve! If you know anyone who works at the library please tell them to put their modified hours online! I searched the entire site to see if they would close early & to plan accordingly. The notice was on the closed door informing me they closed 4 hours early! Humph!**
She is very responsive and stubborn. But once she knows sunflower seeds are to be had she does whatever I want her to do. She is also very cage protective. Hopefully, as time goes on and she gets used to us she will not attack anything new that comes into her territory. But once you get her out and away from her cage she is very obedient and nosy. She will stick her head out and swivel it around to see whats in her
She only went on the perch
when I bribed her with
sunflower seeds and spree. |
surroundings. Unfortunately, she is not that nosy inside her cage. The only thing she does is site on her swing or eat. There are plenty of toys in her cage but she doesn't play with any of them. I even put some newspaper and a toilet roll in there hoping she would make a nest but she only pooped on it.
When I go into her cage to force her out. I need to wear a glove to protect my hand. She does not like the glove and she will growl and bite the heck out of my hand if I come near her with a glove on. I'm not sure why? I can only assume a bad experience at the pet store with gloved hands. I have since stopped using the glove and talk to her before I open the cage and she comes right to me.
She is definitely a funny, entertaining parrot with loads of personality. Oh and she farts! I thought I had a rotten egg or spoiled meat lying around and was going crazy till I realized Mojo was farting on me. Let me tell you it stanked! She also will let me know when she is ready for bed. If she is outside her cage and it's night night time she will run away from me. If she is ready for bed she will go inside her cage, get on her swing, and yell till I cover her up for the night. Oh, the nerve!
So far I am loving my new parrot! She definitely keeps me entertained!
Monk Parakeet,
What are your quaker parrot stories? What do you do or have done to tame your parrot? Any advice or suggestions is appreciated.