I recently watched an episode of Real Housewives of Atlanta where Porsha Williams Stewart married to Kordell Stewart retired NFL player (who might also
be gay/bisexual) mentioned eating a special type of potato to have twins. I of course had to Google this information and found that eating Cassava potatoes can increase your chances of having twins. This information is based off a tribe in West Africa in Nigeria called the Yoruba. The Yoruba have the highest twining rate in the
world. It is speculated that the high incidence of twins comes from a high consumption of a specific type of yam (cassava) containing a natural phytoestrogen which may stimulate the ovaries to release an egg from each side. Phytoestrogen, an estrogen compound that increases a woman's follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and may induce a higher rate of ovulation. I recently went on a search to find the cassava and did not have much luck in finding the raw potato. I did however find these other sources of cassava.
The Boba Tea is a milk tea with tapioca balls in the bottom. The tapioca balls are made from the starch of the cassava root. The tea was actually really good. I was pleasantly surprised.
Saw these at the local Farmer's Market. |
But since the cassava has high levels of phytoestrogen which is supposedly the cause of multiple egg release finding other food sources with phytoestrogen can possibly give you the same effect. Such as soy or this yuca potato I found that is supposed to be very similar to the cassava potato.
If you are looking for sources of phytoestrogen I would try flax seeds, oil seeds, soy beans, tofu, whole grains, walnuts (nuts), herbs like black cohosh, dong quai, alfalfa, mexican wild yam, ginseng, and wild clover. I should also mention that from doing my
research I found numerous resources stating that the flora of the intestinal tract must be in a healthy balance for the phytoestrogens to be effective. That means eating plenty of pro/pre biotics like yogurt to get the gastrointestinal tract balanced and staying away from sugary,high fat and fried foods. The phytoestrogens also need to be at high levels in your system. You can't eat cassava one day and hope to have twins it must be daily and well before starting to get pregnant.
If anyone decides to increase their intake of phytoestrogens and gets pregnant with twins please, please share your story with me. Does anyone know someone that ate cassava and had twins? Do you think this will work? Let me know.
Happy Baby Making,
*Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or expert that can give medical advice on having twins. These are my opinions based on research that I have done and in no way have been proven true.