Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tip drill Tuesday! Really. . .

I used to wait tables and worked my butt off just to earn a couple dollas! Now, as I get older I notice that everyone wants a tip and have not EARNED it! They just place a tip jar on the counter as your paying for your meal/dessert/snack and expect a tip for not having served you.  Sometimes I even have to make my own food and they just take my money. $$$$
I recently went into a frozen yogurt place that I have never tried.  I figured its my birthday! Let me celebrate!
Well I went in and before I could ask the employees how does Fro Yotopia work, I saw a sign. . . (aaahhhhhh). Well not like a sign from heaven but an actual sign that told me what I needed to to.  1. Grab a bowl. 2. Fill with yogurt of your choice. 3. Layer on your toppings. 4. Take to counter and weigh (48 cents an oz). 5.Pay.  I follow the directions place my bowl on the scale.  As soon as I get to the counter and set down my fro yo one of the employees slams down a damn tip jar! What in the world have you worked for? You stood your but behind the counter and didn't even offer a greeting when I entered! I was the only person in the store! Oh I forgot you gave me a spoon.  Which I could have gotten myself but I figure the owner does not want customers sampling the flavors without paying first since its $0.48 oz! So what I ask gives you the right to slam a tip jar in my face? Silence & stupid face. Cricket, cricket. . . 
Oh, but the yogurt was awesome! It was a different flavor but I had 5 different flavor plus chocolate, strawberries, toffee, malt balls and cheesecake bites.  If you are ever in Palm Beach Gardens Downtown area I would highly recommend trying this place out.  I would go back and plan on explaining to the yogurt guy how to work for tips.  

What would you do? 

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